Eric of Y-Not
By: MJ


Again, chicks dig drummers.  My cousin will attest to that.  Eric plays drums for a hot band called Y-not.  He had been playing drums since he was 13 years old. 

This drummer is single.  He admits to the fact that having a relationship while playing in a band is pretty tough. 


What inspires you to do this job?

I love being on stage.  I love watching people dance and have a good time.


What do you like most about this job?

I get to play with some of the best guys in the world! 


What do you hate about this job?

Nothing really.  I guess I hate sweating.  Basically I just can’t think of anything else to do.  I love playing and it doesn’t matter how many people are watching.


If you weren’t a band member, what profession would you like to try?

A veterinarian.


Boxers or briefs?

Boxer briefs


What is your best feature?

My forearms.


What do you like the best in a female?

I like eyes, legs and hair.  I like beautiful hair.  It doesn’t matter if she is blonde or brunette.


What turns you on?

Lips and certain ways girls batt their eyes.  Girls’ hip.


What turns you off?

Attitude.  People who doesn’t like what I do. 


What is your favorite sound?

The sound of drums.


What is your least favorite sound?

Off key.


Again, are you single?




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